New at the Museum

Are you a lover of pets? Then this is the perfect experience for you!
The Family with a Tail exhibit at the Man and the Living Museum in Ramat Gan
When visiting the museum and the exhibition, you will enjoy games, innovative and interactive displays, a children’s library, various activity corners,
a display of taxidermy animals and skeletons, scientific and historical information about pets and amusing photo walls – all concerning the relationship between people and pets.
On holidays and Saturdays, the exhibition will host additional activities for children, tutorials and a crafts corner at no extra charge.
In the exhibit you will be able to view various works by artists and residents of the city whose thought-provoking points of view evoke contemplation on the meaning of pets in our world.
Do you have an amazing pet? Think that s/he also deserves to be displayed in the exhibit?
Send us photos in which you feature your amazing pet and we will display them on the museum wall!

Click on the link to send photos:

The invitation to submit work is addressed to both children and adults.

Photo Credit: Galya Aviram

And by extension…

One of the main missions of the Man and the Living Museum is to create a connection between man, nature and animals.
This connection occurs in a strong, deep and natural way between us and our pets, who in many cases become part of the family.
In the exhibit ‘Family with a Tail’, we invited creatives, artists and residents of the city of Ramat Gan to display in the museum their connection with their pets through various artistic mediums.
Through the diverse personal stories and perspectives of each person or family, we can represent the meaning of pets in our world, ask questions about the differences between them and the wildlife in our lives and examine whether they represent our feelings towards nature or have long become part of the family and urban landscape.
This exhibition, for the first time, displays a significant community representation throughout the museum, and literally draws people inside. In this way we are able to rebuild the connection and relationship with the surrounding community and create relevant, up-to-date and interesting content which appeals to them.
The works were collected by the museum then underwent a process of curating and sorting. All of the works submitted will appear in the digital catalog of the exhibition on the website of the museum and the Safari, and selected pieces will be displayed in the exhibition itself.
The exhibit not only presents these works while expanding scientific knowledge, but also features a large-scale matching game for our visitors to pair pets with their owners (did you know that in many cases they are similar??), a game in which you can assemble your own imaginary pet, photo walls where you can lose yourself in an illustrated world, and an interactive exhibit where you can turn yourself into a dog or cat… See you at the museum!