Permanent Exhibitions

The permanent exhibitions at the Man and the Living Museum offer you the chance to see taxidermy animals, skeletons and model animals and to enjoy a variety of games and facilities, with the help of which you can learn about various zoological and scientific topics.
The main topics covered by the permanent exhibitions are:
The evolution of life on earth
Prehistoric man
Israeli native animals
Movement, muscular and skeletal systems
Communication and senses
Reproduction and heredity

A Few Words on the 'Animals of the Land of Israel' Diorama

It’s impossible to ignore the diorama when visiting the Man and the Living Museum. The diorama is a large, three-dimensional display that features impressive taxidermy animals and simulates scenery and wildlife from a particular region. The use of dioramas is common in nature museums in Israel and abroad. At the Man and the Living Museum you can view an impressive diorama of the Judean Desert. The diorama tells the tale of the animals that previously inhabited, and currently live, in this region of the country.
By observing the diorama, one can meet animals that currently live in the Judean Desert, learn about the challenges they face in Israeli nature and about the connections between them. Through the diorama you can also become acquainted with animals that existed here in the past but have since become extinct, and investigate the causes of their extinction.

A Few Words on the 'Prehistoric Man' Exhibition

What were mans’ first tools and what were they used for? When did the use of fire begin?
What were mans’ food sources throughout different periods?
Tracing the origin of man exposes us to a winding detective story, similar to a relay race, in which we see segments of the course from the points of transfer between participants, but never the full racetrack.
The Prehistoric Man exhibition at the Man and the Living Museum is a primordial exhibit which traces human history, the various stages of its development, the places of occurrence and the ways in which we spread on Earth.
We invite you to embark on a journey through time – from the big bang to the various homo-classifications, through to present day.

A Few Words on the 'Prehistoric Man' Exhibition

What were mans’ first tools and what were they used for? When did the use of fire begin?
What were mans’ food sources throughout different periods?
Tracing the origin of man exposes us to a winding detective story, similar to a relay race, in which we see segments of the course from the points of transfer between participants, but never the full racetrack.
The Prehistoric Man exhibition at the Man and the Living Museum is a primordial exhibit which traces human history, the various stages of its development, the places of occurrence and the ways in which we spread on Earth.
We invite you to embark on a journey through time – from the big bang to the various homo-classifications, through to present day.