Special Tours and Events

Join a variety of fun activities at the Man and the Living Museum:

New at the museum!

Master classes for all ages

Directed by the artist and illustrator, Ophra Eyal

A Miniature Sculpture Workshop for Children

Dreaming about sculpting? Are you an animal lover? This is the workshop for you!
Miniature sculpture workshop for children at the Man and the Living Museum directed by the artist, painter and illustrator, Ophra Eyal.
During the workshop we will learn about small-scale sculpting techniques, based on our observations and exploration of the museum’s rich taxidermy collection.
When? An up-to-date timetable will be published soon
For whom? For ages 9-14, no prior knowledge necessary
Price: NIS 140

Zoological Illustration Workshop for Adults

Illustrate as in the nature books of yore through study and observation.
During the zoological illustration workshop we will utilize the cross-hatching technique and watercolors to illustrate in the romantic spirit of the great naturalists and scientists.
When? An up-to-date timetable will be published soon
For whom? For ages 16-99
Price: NIS 140

Coming soon:

Guided tours of the National Park and museum for retirees
Birthdays at the museum
To enquire call: 03-6315010 extension 1